Sunday, June 10, 2012

Objective Resolution:

BACKGROUND: The objective
resolution is a brief document but its
significance is realised if its
background and the acute
controversies it successfully resolved
are taken into account. It attempted
to reconcile conflicting viewpoints by
affirming that ''the sovereignty over
the entire universe belongs to Almighty
Allah alone'' but followed up by
reffering to ''the Sovereign
Independent state of Pakistan'' and
stipulated that the authority ''within
the limits precribed by him'' was to be
excercised by the people of Pakistan.
Limitations on the power of legislature
were few. They related to the future,
alone and excluded only those laws
which were definitely ''repugnant to
the Quran and Sunnah''. They left a
vast field in fact the main field of
modern legislative activity to be
operated in accordance with the
traditions and requirements of the
Muslim community and according to
sound, healthy principles of Islamic
Law, under the sovereign authority of
the Legislature.
text of Objective Resolution was as
1. ''Whereas the Sovereignty over the
entire universe belongs to Allah
Almighty and the authority he has
delegated to state of Pakistan through
its people for being exercised within
the limits precribed by Him is a sacred
2. ''Wherein the principles of
democracy, freedom, equality,
tolerance and social justice as
enuciated by Islam shall be fully
3. ''Wherein the Muslims shall be
enabled to order their lives in the
individual and collective spheres in
accordance with the teachings and
requirements of Islam as set out in
the Quran and the Sunnah''.
4. ''Wherein the adequate provisions
shall be made for the minorities freely
to profess and practice their religions
and develop their cultures''.
5. ''Whereby the territories now
included in our accession with Pakistan
and such territories as many hereafter
be included in or accede to Pakistan
shall form a federation wherein the
units will be autonomous with such
boundaries and limitations and
authority as may be precribed''.
6. ''Wherein there should be
guaranteed fundamental rights
including equality of status of
opportunity before law, social,
economic and political justice and
freedom of though, expression, belief,
faith, worship and association subject
of law and public morality''.
7. ''Wherein public provisions shall be
made to safeguard the legitimate
interest of minorities and backward
and depressed classes''.
8. ''Wherein the independence of
judiciary shall be fully scured''.
9. ''Wherein the integrity of the
territories of the federation its
independence and all its rights
includijng its soverign right on land, sea
and air shall be safeguarded''.
CONCLUSION : From the study of
Objective resolution it appears that
the entire approach of the Objective
Resolution was that while Pakistan
should be a progressive modern state
and not a theocratic medieval
government like former Saudi arabia
or Yaman, yet every attempt should
be made to translate the people's
dream of an Islamic social order into
action. The constitution of 1956 and
following it the constitution of 1962
and 1973 maintain the same
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