Here's something very few people realise:
Writing news stories isn't particularly
difficult. It does take practice and not everyone will be an expert but if you follow the guidelines below you should be able to create effective news items without
too much stress.
The Five "W"s and the "H"
This is the crux of all news - you need to know five things:
Who? What? Where? When? Why?
Any good news story provides answers to each of these questions. You must drill these into your brain and they must become second nature.
For example, if you wish to cover a story about a local sports team entering a competition you will need to answer these questions:
Who is the team? Who is the coach?
Who are the prominent players? Who are the supporters?
What sport do they play? What is the
Where is the competition? Where is
the team normally based?
When is the competition? How long
have they been preparing? Are there
any other important time factors?
Why are they entering this particular
competition? If it's relevant, why
does the team exist at all?
How are they going to enter the
competition? Do they need to
fundraise? How much training and
preparation is required? What will
they need to do to win?
The Inverted Pyramid
This refers to the style of journalism which places the most important facts at the beginning and works "down" from there. Ideally, the first paragraph should contain enough information to give the reader a
good overview of the entire story. The rest of the article explains and expands on the beginning.
A good approach is to assume that the story might be cut off at any point due to space limitations. Does the story work if the editor only decides to include the first
two paragraphs? If not, re-arrange it so that it does.
The same principle can apply to any type of medium.
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