Friday, December 14, 2012

صوبائی وزیر محنت نے طلبا سے زیادہ کلاس فور اور اساتذہ بھرتی کیئے ھیں. سابق وزیراعلٰی اکرم خان درانی

(صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا):سابق وزیراعلٰی اکرم خان درانی کہتا ھے صوبائی وزیر محنت شیراعظم خان وزیر نے تعلیم کا بیڑہ غرق کردیا، طلبا سے زیادہ کلاس فور اور اساتذہ بھرتی کیئے. ورکر ویلفئر بورڈ میں تاریخی گھپلے کیئے گئے. 98 فیصد ورکرز گھر بیٹھے تنخواہیں لے رھی ھیں. وزیر محنت کے علاقے سے تعلق رکھنے والے اکثر پولیس فورس بھی گھر بیٹھے ڈیوٹی سرانجام دے رھی ھے. لوگوں کو رشوت خور بنانے میں اھم کردار آدا کیا ھے.
جمیعت علماء اسلام اقتدار میں آکر ایم اے تک تعلیم مفت کرے گی.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

CHRONOLOGY: Pakistan's nuclear programm

 Millat Online  ملت


Location : Indus Highway-Bannu Link Rd,
Posted via Blogaway by Mjkhan Wazir

The General who Defeated Soviet Empire in Afghanistan

 Fateh :: Designed by Control Oye 

Location : Indus Highway-Bannu Link Rd,
Posted via Blogaway by Mjkhan Wazir

سو عظیم آدمی

 Read Online Books :: Powered by 

Location : Indus Highway-Bannu Link Rd,
Posted via Blogaway by Mjkhan Wazir

Online Books

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پاکستان:عالم دین سنز اینڈ گرینڈ سنز. ڈاکٹر منظور اعجاز

 روزنامہ جنگ 

Location : Indus Highway-Bannu Link Rd,

میڈیا نشانہ کیوں: سلیم صافی

روزنامہ جنگ Daily Jang 

Location : Indus Highway-Bannu Link Rd,

Saturday, November 24, 2012

پاکستان کا پہلا قومی ترانہ

کیا آپ کو معلوم ھے کہ پاکستان کا  قومی ترانہ پہلے کیا تھا اور کس نے لکھا تھا؟
جگن نارتھ آزاد(۱۹۱۸-۲۰۰۴) اردو کے شاعر تھے. خود ھندو تھے. علامہ اقبال کی شاعری کے جید عالم بھی تھے. اُنہوں نے قائداعظم کی فرمائش پر پاکستان کا پہلا قومی ترانہ رقم کیا تھا.
قائداعظم نے ۹ اگست ۱۹۴۷ کو مسٹر آزاد سے کہا کہ وہ پانچ دن کے اندر قومی ترانہ لکھ لیں. جب ترانہ لکھا گیا تو قائداعظم نے فوری طور اس کی منظوری دی اور یہ ترانہ ریڈیو پاکستان سے نشر ھوا. یہی ترانہ سرکاری سطح پر پاکستان کا قومی ترانہ کے طور پر پہلے ڈیڑھ سال استعمال ھوا. لیکن بابائے قوم کی وفات کے بعد اس کو ترک کر دیا گیا. بعد میں قومی ترانہ کمیٹی نے ابوالاثرحفیظ جالندھری کا لکھا ھوا ترانہ "پاک سرزمین......" اپنایا جو پہلے سے تیار شدہ دُھن پر بنایا گیا تھا.
جگن نارتھ آزاد کے لکھے ھوئے اوّلین قومی ترانے کے پہلے چند مصرعے یوں تھے.

" اے ســـــــرزمین پاک
ذرے ترے ھیں آج ستاروں سے تابناک
روشن ھے کہکشاں سے کہیں آج تری خاک
  اے ســــــــرزمینِ پاک"

           کہا جاتا ھے کہ پہلے ترانے کو اس لئے مسترد کردیا گیا کہ وہ ایک ھندو نے لکھا تھا.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Glossary of Audio & Video Media Terminology A glossary covering audio, video, film, television, graphics, Internet and general media production. Click the letters to navigate.

Location : Street 51, Islamabad,


News can be defined as "Newsworthy

information about recent events or

happenings, especially as reported by

news media". But what makes news


There is a list of five factors, detailed

below, which are considered when

deciding if a story is newsworthy. When

an editor needs to decide whether to run

with a particular story, s/he will ask how

well the story meets each of these criteria.

Normally, a story should perform well in

at least two areas.

Naturally, competition plays a part. If

there are a lot of newsworthy stories on a

particular day then some stories will be

dropped. Although some stories can be

delayed until a new slot becomes

available, time-sensitive news will often be

dropped permanently.

1. Timing

The word news means exactly that - things

which are new. Topics which are current

are good news. Consumers are used to

receiving the latest updates, and there is

so much news about that old news is

quickly discarded.

A story with only average interest needs to

be told quickly if it is to be told at all. If it

happened today, it's news. If the same

thing happened last week, it's no longer


2. Significance

The number of people affected by the

story is important. A plane crash in which

hundreds of people died is more

significant than a crash killing a dozen.

3. Proximity

Stories which happen near to us have

more significance. The closer the story to

home, the more newsworthy it is. For

someone living in France, a major plane

crash in the USA has a similar news value

to a small plane crash near Paris.

Note that proximity doesn't have to mean

geographical distance. Stories from

countries with which we have a particular

bond or similarity have the same effect.

For example, Australians would be

expected to relate more to a story from a

distant Western nation than a story from a

much closer Asian country.

4. Prominence

Famous people get more coverage just

because they are famous. If you break

your arm it won't make the news, but if

the Queen of England breaks her arm it's

big news.

5. Human Interest

Human interest stories are a bit of a

special case. They often disregard the

main rules of newsworthiness; for

example, they don't date as quickly, they

need not affect a large number of people,

and it may not matter where in the world

the story takes place.

Human interest stories appeal to emotion.

They aim to evoke responses such as

amusement or sadness. Television news

programs often place a humorous or

quirky story at the end of the show to

finish on a feel-good note. Newspapers

often have a dedicated area for offbeat or interesting items.

Location : Street 51, Islamabad,


Here's something very few people realise:
Writing news stories isn't particularly
difficult. It does take practice and not everyone will be an expert but if you follow the guidelines below you should be able to create effective news items without
too much stress.
The Five "W"s and the "H"
This is the crux of all news - you need to know five things:
Who? What? Where?   When? Why?
Any good news story provides answers to each of these questions. You must drill these into your brain and they must become second nature.
For example, if you wish to cover a story about a local sports team entering a competition you will need to answer these questions:
Who is the team? Who is the coach?
Who are the prominent players? Who are the supporters?
What sport do they play? What is the
Where is the competition? Where is
the team normally based?
When is the competition? How long
have they been preparing? Are there
any other important time factors?
Why are they entering this particular
competition? If it's relevant, why
does the team exist at all?
How are they going to enter the
competition? Do they need to
fundraise? How much training and
preparation is required? What will
they need to do to win?

The Inverted Pyramid
This refers to the style of journalism which places the most important facts at the beginning and works "down" from there. Ideally, the first paragraph should contain enough information to give the reader a
good overview of the entire story. The rest of the article explains and expands on the beginning.
A good approach is to assume that the story might be cut off at any point due to space limitations. Does the story work if the editor only decides to include the first
two paragraphs? If not, re-arrange it so that it does.
The same principle can apply to any type of medium.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

غمِ حیات کا جھگڑہ مٹا رھا ھے کوئی: احمد فراز

gham-e- hayaat ka jhagra mita raha he koi,
chale aawo k duniya se ja raha he koi,
azal se keh do k ruk jaaye do ghari k liye,
suna he aane ka waada nibha raha he koi,
wo is naaz se baithi hai meri laash k paas,
jaise roothay howey ko manaa raha he koi,
palat kar aa na jaye aans pher nabzon main,
itne haseen hathon se mayyat sajaa raha he koi.

Welcome on Android Phone

Most welcome on Android Blogger.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Objective Resolution:

BACKGROUND: The objective
resolution is a brief document but its
significance is realised if its
background and the acute
controversies it successfully resolved
are taken into account. It attempted
to reconcile conflicting viewpoints by
affirming that ''the sovereignty over
the entire universe belongs to Almighty
Allah alone'' but followed up by
reffering to ''the Sovereign
Independent state of Pakistan'' and
stipulated that the authority ''within
the limits precribed by him'' was to be
excercised by the people of Pakistan.
Limitations on the power of legislature
were few. They related to the future,
alone and excluded only those laws
which were definitely ''repugnant to
the Quran and Sunnah''. They left a
vast field in fact the main field of
modern legislative activity to be
operated in accordance with the
traditions and requirements of the
Muslim community and according to
sound, healthy principles of Islamic
Law, under the sovereign authority of
the Legislature.
text of Objective Resolution was as
1. ''Whereas the Sovereignty over the
entire universe belongs to Allah
Almighty and the authority he has
delegated to state of Pakistan through
its people for being exercised within
the limits precribed by Him is a sacred
2. ''Wherein the principles of
democracy, freedom, equality,
tolerance and social justice as
enuciated by Islam shall be fully
3. ''Wherein the Muslims shall be
enabled to order their lives in the
individual and collective spheres in
accordance with the teachings and
requirements of Islam as set out in
the Quran and the Sunnah''.
4. ''Wherein the adequate provisions
shall be made for the minorities freely
to profess and practice their religions
and develop their cultures''.
5. ''Whereby the territories now
included in our accession with Pakistan
and such territories as many hereafter
be included in or accede to Pakistan
shall form a federation wherein the
units will be autonomous with such
boundaries and limitations and
authority as may be precribed''.
6. ''Wherein there should be
guaranteed fundamental rights
including equality of status of
opportunity before law, social,
economic and political justice and
freedom of though, expression, belief,
faith, worship and association subject
of law and public morality''.
7. ''Wherein public provisions shall be
made to safeguard the legitimate
interest of minorities and backward
and depressed classes''.
8. ''Wherein the independence of
judiciary shall be fully scured''.
9. ''Wherein the integrity of the
territories of the federation its
independence and all its rights
includijng its soverign right on land, sea
and air shall be safeguarded''.
CONCLUSION : From the study of
Objective resolution it appears that
the entire approach of the Objective
Resolution was that while Pakistan
should be a progressive modern state
and not a theocratic medieval
government like former Saudi arabia
or Yaman, yet every attempt should
be made to translate the people's
dream of an Islamic social order into
action. The constitution of 1956 and
following it the constitution of 1962
and 1973 maintain the same
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The Constitution of 1973:

The Constitution of 1973 Pakistan
On April 17 , 1972 the National
Assembly of Pakistan Appointed a
Committee of 25 members to Prepare
a draft of the Permanent Constitution
of Pakistan . Mahmud Ali Kasuri was
Elected Chairman of the Committee.
On Octobor 20 , 1972, The Draft bill
for the Constitution of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan was signed by all
the Leaders of the Parliamentary
Groups in the National Assembly . The
Draft bill of the Constitution
incorporated the suggestions of the
opposition also . A bill to provide a
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan waas Introduced in the
National Assembly on April 10 , 1973
and Endorsed by President Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto , on April 12 , 1973. The
Constitution was Promulgated on
August 14, 1973 . It Consist of a Pre-
amble , 280 Articles and Six
Schedules .
named as " Islamic Republic of
Pakistan ". Only a Muslim should be
Appointed as the President or the
Prime Minister of Pakistan . No Law
has to be Passed against the
Injuctions of the Holy Quran and
Sunnah and the Existing laws to be
made Islamic in Character . Islam was
Declared as the Religion of the State .
Principles of Policy Intended Islamic
way of Life , Promotion of the
Institution of Local Government , Full
participation of women in National
Life , Protection of Minorities ,
Prommotion of social and Economic
well being of the People , and
Strengthening the bonds with the
Muslim World .
Constitution the Fundamental rights
included security of Person ,
Safeguards as to Arrest and
Detention , Prohibition of Slavery and
Forced Labor , Protection against
Double Punishment , Freedom of
Speech , Freedom of Movement ,
Freedom of Associations , Freedom to
Profess religion and Safeguards as the
Religious Institutions, non
Discrimination of access to Public
Places and in service preservation of
Language , Script and Culture .
The President Must be a Muslim
and Not less than 45 Years of Age
elected by the Members of the
Parliament . The Turn of Office of the
President should be 5 Years . He can
be Impeached by the Parliament . He
could issue Ordinances when the
Parliament is not in Session .
Parliament had Exclusive power to
make Laws in respect to Federal make
the Laws in Respect of Federal
Lagislature . Both Parliament and
Provincial Assemblies had Power To
make laws in Respect of Subject in
the Current List .
COMMISSION : Under the
Constitution of 1973 a National
Finance Commission was set up
consisting of Federal and Provincial
Finance Ministers and other Members
to advice on Distribution of Reserves
Between the Centre and the
Provinces .
JUDICIARY : Under the Constitution
of 1973 the Judiciary enjoyed a Full
Supremacy over the other two Organs
of the State .
declared sole Nation Language of
Islamic Republic of Pakistan .
1 . That Pakistan Shall be known as the
Islamic Republic of Pakistan .
2 . The President and the Prime
Minister must be Muslims . Beside the
President and the Prime Minister , all
federal and Provincial Minister Shall
declare to Protect Islamic Ideology at
the Time of Taking Oath .
3 . The State shall Endeavor , as
Repects of the Muslims of Paksitan :
[a] To make the teaching of Quran and
Islamiat Compulsory , to Encourage
and Facilitate the learning of Arabic
Language and to secure correct and
Exact Printing of the Holy Quran .
[b] To Promote unity and the
observance of the Islamic Moral
Standards .[
[c] To secure Proper organisation of
Zakar , Ushr , Auqaf and the Mosques.
4 . All existing Laws shall be Brought in
the Conformity with the Injunctions of
Islam, and no Laws shall be enacted
which is Repugnant to Such
Injunctions .
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